
Your source of various inspiration materials to strengthen your relationship with God!

Forever humble because what God gives, he can also take.

AIways remember I Thessalonians 5:17.

Wisdom in Christ

Wisdom in Christ

In Christ, we find our source of wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption—gifts bestowed upon us by God Himself.

Guided by trust: Following His lead

Guided by trust: Following His lead

Finding my way through life’s twists and turns.

Your Prayer for Today

From Faith to Faith each day.

No greater love than Jesus

No greater love than Jesus

My life is better when I am following you – Cece Winans

Your Prayer for Today

Your ways are far better than mine.

Pride Falls, Humility Rises

Pride Falls, Humility Rises

Humility is like the soil where wisdom grows

Pray More, Worry Less

Pray More, Worry Less

In moments of worry, where do you turn?

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